Welcome to the Charlton Heights PTA!
The CHES PTA is a volunteer, non-profit organization made up of Charlton Heights Elementary School’s parents (that’s right – moms and dads), caregivers, faculty, and community members who want to make a difference in our children’s school experience.
All parents are welcomed and appreciated — and we want you to know that you have a voice. And you know what, we can never have enough volunteers. You are wanted, needed and the time you give is priceless!
Follow CHES PTA on Facebook too!
SEPTA: There is also a Special Education PTA (SEPTA) at BH-BL. To learn more, visit the SEPTA website or contact Danielle Collins at dacollins@bhbl.org.
PTA Committee Chairs
- President: Kristin McCabe
- Vice President of Homerooms: Kayla Martin
- Vice President of Programs: Rachel Arno
- Secretary: April Cooper
- Treasurer: Jessica Woliner
- 1001 Books: Rachel Arno
- Adopt-a-Book Program: Erin Jankowski
- After-School Enrichment: Kayla Martin
- Arts in Education: Tim Sinnenberg
- Book Fairs: Erin Jankowski
- Children’s Garden: Brooke Cullinan
- Coupon Books: Eileen McDonnell
- Drama Club: Kayla Martin
- Drama Club Dinner: Melia Gordon
- Family Programs: Corri Cudmore
- Founder’s Day Rep: Rachel Arno
- 5th Grade Event: Melia Gordon
- FLL Explore: Rich McCabe
- Holiday Shop: Heather Mazurowski
- Holiday Shop Vendors: Melia Gordon
- Holiday Shop Wrapping: Ashley DiPaola
- K Orientation: Jamie DeMartino
- Label Program: Liz Antonio
- Library Volunteers: Jill Finton
- Make-A-Difference Day: Katina Saxton
- Membership: Rachel Arno
- Monster Mash: Kristin McCabe
- PARP: Eileen McDonnell
- Popcorn Kernel: Jessica Woliner
- Read for Ronald McDonald House: Bernadette Augusta
- Reflections: Ian Feinstein
- Scholarships: Tim Sinnenberg
- School Banking: Kristin McCabe
- School Directory: Jackie Lyons
- School Pictures: Jessica Woliner
- School Spirit Shop: Linda Hyde
- School Supplies: Claire Walton
- Ski/Snowboard Club: Chip Derrick
- Staff Recognition Luncheon: Patti Hensel
- Staff Appreciation Week: Kayla Martin
- Star of the Week: Jen Cole
- Walkabout Ice Cream Social: Rachel Arno
- Walk for the Arts: Jackie Lyons
- Yearbook: Melia Gordon
What are some of our PTA Goals?
- To increase parent and family involvement: Parents get to meet other parents, meet their children’s friends, and make a positive contribution to their community when they volunteer. Children and parents take part in over 30 different PTA sponsored programs and activities throughout the school year.
- To provide academic and social enrichment opportunities to children: Our “Arts In Education” programs bring artists, authors, storytellers, musicians, and dance groups directly into our school throughout the year to every grade level.
- To build community through effective communication: We communicate PTA, School and District activities/events and information in a timely manner via Facebook to help build community with our parents, students, CHES faculty, and neighbors.
How is the PTA Funded?
- While a small portion of money comes from membership dues, the majority of the funding for our programs and activities comes from our fundraisers. Without these critical fundraisers, like Walk For The Arts, the CHES PTA wouldn’t be able to sponsor the many programs that enrich our children’s lives.
- Dollars raised through PTA fundraisers go to support programs offered to students, with 75% of our PTA budget going to help fund the “Arts In Education” programs, like Motoko, SPAC residency, author visits, and many others.
PTA Meeting
We want you to know that you have a voice. Come join us for our monthly meeting, where we recap completed programs and share updates for upcoming programs. As always, our PTA officers are there along with our Principal and teacher representatives.
Founder’s Day Awards
The Founder’s Day Dinner is a reception sponsored by the BH-BL School District PTA. This special event celebrates the hard work of volunteers in the district.
All five schools in the district are represented and each school honors some special staff members and/or community volunteers for their contribution to children and the school. Are you wondering who won it in the past? Check out past Founder’s Day winners at Charlton Heights and from the district.
Past PTA Presidents
The Charlton Heights PTA has been an active organization in the school for years. Without the leadership and dedication of our PTA presidents, the organization could not be as successful. Thank you to all of our presidents.