Tax Exemptions

State & District Tax Exemptions

State Exemption

STAR Program

Under state law, the School Tax Relief (STAR) program offers exemptions that can now grow only by 2 percent per year.

The Basic STAR exemption is available on a homeowner’s primary residence for anyone who owns and lives in his or her own home and earns less than $500,000 a year.

The Enhanced STAR exemption is available on the primary residence of taxpayers age 65 or older with yearly incomes below $98,700.

Over the years, the STAR program rules did not change, however, the state comptroller’s office has discovered that many exemptions were improperly granted in the past. To stop this abuse of the system, the state legislature has started to require periodic renewal of Basic STAR exemptions. In order to continue receiving STAR exemptions, taxpayers were  required to re-register with the NYS Tax Department by March 1.

About the STAR Program

Annual deadline to apply is March 1.

ALL New York State residents who own their own homes can significantly reduce their school property taxes through a School Tax Reduction (STAR) exemption, regardless of age or income. But the savings is not automatic. You have to apply with your town assessor’s office by March 1 to be eligible for the tax break – and seniors who apply for the enhanced exemption must reapply each year. For more information about the STAR program, contact the assessor’s office in your town:

  • Ballston: 885-8502
  • Charlton: 384-0152
  • Clifton Park: 371-6460
  • Glenville: 688-1200, ext. 403

Learn more the state’s STAR program and access the necessary forms online.

The STAR (School Tax Relief) program is a state program that the district has no control over. The New York State STAR program is intended to be solely a state tax relief program—NOT state aid for education.

It is important for all taxpayers in New York State to understand how the STAR program works, because by taking advantage of it property owners can save hundreds of dollars a year on their school taxes. Anyone who has questions about STAR should call their town assessor or visit the state’s Department of Taxation & Finance website.

District Exemptions*

Senior Citizen Exemption

BH-BL residents over the age of 65 with an income of $37,400 or less (as of 2014) also ca be exempted from paying school taxes on 5 to 50 percent of their home’s assessed value depending on their income.

Disabilities Exemption

The district also grants a disability exemption ranging from 5 to 50 percent for qualifying residents of any age with disabilities and incomes less than $37,500.

Applications for either the district Senior Citizen or Disability exemptions and for the state’s STAR exemption must be filed with your town assessor’s office.

Alternative Veterans’ Tax Exemption

In February 2017, the Board adopted the Alternative Veterans’ Tax Exemption (level 1), which allows qualifying veterans to be exempted from paying school taxes on a portion of their home’s assessed value depending on their military service.

Volunteer Firefighters and Ambulance Workers Exemption

In December 2023, the Board adopted a Property Tax Exemption for eligible volunteer firefighters and ambulance workers, permitting residential property exemptions of 10% for eligible volunteer firefighters and ambulance workers residing within the school district and who have served a minimum of two (2) years. This exemption goes into effect in the 2024-25 school year. Questions should be directed to a resident’s town assessor. [Read a PDF of the full resolution here.]

*Residents should contact their town assessor to learn more about these exemptions and how to apply.