Childcare Information

District Childcare Policies & Licensed Childcare Providers

Elementary school parents frequently ask about child care providers and/or about having their children bused to a babysitter’s or child care provider’s home after school. The BH-BL school district does not itself provide child care. However, the district does assist parents in two ways regarding this need.

  1. YMCA Child Care: Through a cooperative arrangement between the school district and the YMCA, child care is available for all elementary pupils before school, after school, and for the half days when pupils are not in school. See location and contact details in the list below.
  2. Transportation to a babysitter’s or child care provider’s location: Children will be transported to and from their own home daily unless parents complete and submit a copy of the district Bus Stop Change Form to request that they be regularly transported to ONE other location.

Here are the rules regarding transportation to any location other than the child’s home.

  • Parents may request that their children be regularly transported to or from a babysitter’s home as long as that home is within the same school attendance zone as the school the child attends.
  • Parents may request that their children be regularly transported to or from a NY state licensed daycare center anywhere within the BH-BL district boundaries. For example, a child attending the Pashley Elementary School could be bused to the home of a family friend or relative living within the Pashley attendance area, but not to the home of another relative living within the Stevens attendance area. However, that same Pashley child could be transported to a daycare provider’s home anywhere within the district, provided that provider was licensed by New York state.
  • A request to have your child transported to any location other than your home should be made in writing to your school principal either before July 15 (July 1 for kindergarten pupils) or after Sept. 26. Use the Bus Stop Change form to make this request, and turn it into your main school office.

Parents should keep in mind that students’ safety is the most important factor in everything that relates to the BH-BL Transportation Department. Being responsible for the safety of more than 3,000 children every day is a serious matter, so clear and careful rules regarding busing to child care providers are essential and will be followed.

Below is a list of licensed daycare providers known to operate within the BH-BL district. (NOTE: this list is posted as a courtesy to assist parents in researching their child care options. The Burnt Hills-Ballston Lake school district cannot endorse or vouch for any provider. See the NY State Division of Childcare Services website for more information on finding a child care provider.)

The BH-BL Transportation Office can also answer parents’ questions at 399-9141, ext. 83525 or

Batty Daycare
518-384-3973| 20 Sheldon Drive, Burnt Hills, NY 12027

Bizzy Bumblebee’s Daycare
518-221-1100 | 69 Ashdown Road, Ballston Lake, NY 12019

Burdikoff Daycare
518-399-3739 | 3 Charles St.,, Ballston Lake, NY 12019

Capital District YMCA School-Aged Childcare
Y-Time. 518-399-8118
For Middle School Program: 518-399-8118
Y-Time for Grades K-5 located at the elementary schools (Charlton Heights, Pashley and Stevens. Middle School Program located at the Glenville YMCA on Droms Road.

Chickadee’s Childcare
518-399-4084 | 495 Stage Road, Charlton, NY 12019

Creative Classroom Daycare, Preschool & Kids Club
518-683-8821 | 2 Woodruff Drive, Glenville, NY 12302

Homegrown Kids
518-602-0243 (Jen Begnoche) | 257 Scotch Bush Road, Burnt Hills, NY 12027

Maple Leaf Daycare
518-384-1710 | 707 Saratoga Road (Route 50), Burnt Hills, NY 12027

Montessori School
518-384-0074 | 375 Route 50, Glenville, NY 12302

Olde Schoolhouse Daycare Center
518-399-5850 | 491 Saratoga Road (Route 50), Glenville, NY 12302

Ponce Daycare
361-219-0243 | 43 Woodruff, Glenville, NY 12302

Jocelyn Romeo‘s School Age Daycare
518-339-7220 | 160 Birch Lane, Glenville, NY 12302

Schultz’s Daycare
518- 399-3581 | 274 Sweetman Rd., Ballston Spa, NY 12020

Snuggle Bear Day Care
518-384-3498 | 16 Wheeler Drive, Ballston Lake, NY 12019

Terri’s Family Daycare
518-399-8909 | 19 Hollywood Drive, Burnt Hills, NY 12027