Spartan Catering & MechaSpartans Curbside Dinner, Sept. 25

The MechaSpartans have joined forces with Spartan Catering to offer the first Community Curbside Dinner for this school year. Dinner pick up via curbside service is Wednesday, Sept. 25 from 4:30-6 pm at the high school’s back parking lot. Orders are DUE Monday, Sept. 23. Follow this link to place your online order: [Online Orders] …

Stevens Principal Dr. Evans to Retire in January

After two decades at BH-BL, with 12 of those years as the Stevens Elementary School Principal, Dr. Rick Evans has decided to hang up his oversized “Math Facts Ranger” cowboy hat and step into retirement. Dr. Evans dedicated his entire professional career, of more than 30 years, to educating, leading, and helping shape the lives of students. …

Free & Reduced Price Meal Applications for 2024-25

Children need healthy meals to learn. All five of the Burnt Hills-Ballston Lake Central Schools offer healthy lunches to children. Here is the list of prices for both breakfast and lunch for each school. Elementary Schools- Breakfast $2.25/Lunch $3.25 Middle School – Breakfast $2.25/Lunch $3.50 High School- Breakfast $2.75/Lunch $4.00 Milk is included with all …

Red Means STOP: School Bus Safety Reminders

BH-BL students and bus drivers will be participating in school bus safety drills on Wednesday, March 27 and Thursday, March 28. Additionally, in the month of April, capital region law enforcement agencies will be participating in Operation Safe Stop which is a program that seeks to promote school bus safety through education and enforcement efforts. …