Over the last few years, distance learning has gained momentum for students to learn, broaden their opportunities, and gain new perspectives with students in the region. Schools throughout the Capital District continue offering curriculum and programs to partnering schools to provide engaging student courses. At BH-BL, that partnership is strengthening with the Ichabod Crane Central School District. This year, BH-BL’s World Languages department provides virtual instruction to Ichabod Crane students for its two French upper-level college courses “Fleur-de-Lis” (commonly known as a symbol of French royalty and culture), which explores the francophone presence in North America taught by Kate Palanza, and “Langue et Culture Française,” which explores literature and culture throughout French history taught by Lauren Kirkwood.
This program also allows Ichabod Crane students the opportunity to travel for in-person events, in addition to participating in our online program. The opportunities that come from distance learning are opening new doors for students to gain experiences and instruction in courses ranging from science and mathematics to world languages and technology. “This year, our Fleur-de-Lis class is partnering with Ichabod Crane Central School District and the results are impressive. Today’s students are gaining exposure to learning a new language and understanding different cultures and their historical ties with today’s society. Plus, they are engaging with new students, especially as we continue to explore our curriculum,” shared BH-BL French teacher Kate Palanza. “Our students are incredibly welcoming to the distance learning students. It is so heartwarming, and I couldn’t be prouder of them. These in-person visits help to put all students at ease, foster their working relationships, and facilitate collaboration between schools.”
These courses are currently taught in coordination with the State University of New York at Oswego, making them college-level courses for students in grades 11-12. Students are immersed in learning French and the impact of French history in early America. Five Ichabod Crane students have enrolled in this year’s class. Recently, students from both districts gathered to study and hold discussions on an artist workshop centered on Native American communities and the culture and artwork that impacted that historical timeframe for seven North American (Canadian) tribes.

Distance learning continues to be an effective relationship-building platform for students to not only access new classes but also build relationships with different instructors and meet students with similar interests. Distance learning is reshaping the way schools offer opportunities to students for today and tomorrow. “Teaching Fleur-de-Lis as a distance learning course allows me to reach more students, expanding their knowledge of and appreciation for the French language and culture,” shared Palanza. Not only is distance learning broadening students’ learning options, but it’s also preparing them for their pathway after graduation. This is especially true in how they experience a trade school or a two- and four-year college environment.